
Welcome to a smarter living experience.

Control4 Home automation

A Control4 Smart Home coordinates the technology in your life into complete, brilliant experiences—interactions that fit your lifestyle and are easy for your family to enjoy. With one touch, dim the lights, play music, turn up the heat, lock the doors and arm the security system. Or, have your house respond to your schedule and needs without touching anything at all.

There are many smart devices available today—TVs, thermostats, door locks, even light bulbs that you can control with apps on your smartphone. Control4 orchestrates more than 9,000 of your favorite connected devices, making all the apps and solutions work together seamlessly. And that, is when your home truly becomes smart.

Control4 coordinates virtually all the connected devices in your home to create a personalized experience with solutions that maximize your comfort, convenience, entertainment and peace of mind. And with the help of an independent certified Control4 Dealer, it’s easy to update and adapt your home to your changing needs today and in the future.

Mobile notifications

Mobile notifications

Alexa voice control

Alexa voice control